Charlotte Gaisford started her artistic journey being taught art by a 90 year old nun called Sister Loretto. She was strict but encouraging and left a lasting impression on Charlotte which she still has today. 
Sister Loretto used to say “Always try your best and realise that there are always others who will succeed you in your ability but remember you are the one who creates original style and feeling in your art, this is priceless and can never be taken away from you.”
From 2013 onwards Charlotte participated in a three year degree course in textiles and fashion at Newcastle College. Although many of the jobs she did during her previous life were art related she had never been to art school before. The flood gates of creativity were opened and Charlotte enjoyed every minute of the course. Although she was a mature student this did not seem to matter and there was always a great atmosphere in the Studios. She has just received her result and was so very pleased to have obtained a first class honours degree.
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